Proud to Support The Proud and the Brave
For more than 20 years, D&B has supported America’s VetDogs, and despite the ravages of COVID-19 and the recent tropical storm Isaias which devastated numerous parts of Long Island, 2020 was no exception. In fact, D&B was a major presence at two dedicated events, the Annual Golf Classic and the Virtual Run & Dog Walk.
Annual Golf Classic
The 11th Annual Golf Classic was held at the beautiful Huntington Country Club, in Huntington, New York on Monday, August 31, 2020. Several America’s VetDogs graduate teams were on hand, and a live auction and raffle of travel, theater, and golf opportunities was a part of this year’s event.
“America’s VetDogs is an organization that delivers on promises to help the proud and the brave men and women who safeguard our nation and our way of life,” Steven A. Fangmann commented. “We were extremely pleased to be a Silver sponsor of the event.”
D&B Vice President Joseph Marturano added, “The organization made every effort to ensure the safety of the guests, graduates, volunteers, staff as well as the dogs. As a result, the event was a resounding success, a true triumph despite the odds of the pandemic and the recent storms.”
First Virtual Run & Dog Walk
D&B also supported the Virtual Run & Dog Walk event to benefit America’s VetDogs. Since 2003, America’s VetDogs has trained and placed guide, hearing, PTSD, and service dogs to provide independence, enhanced mobility and companionship to veterans with disabilities from all eras. In 2015, VetDogs opened its programs to first responders, including fire, police, and emergency medical personnel.
Jaime McGrade, Associate Director of Development for America’s VetDogs commented “We are pleased to report that more than $50,000 was raised from this first-ever virtual run/walk. Nearly 630 people participated in the run/walk from all over the United States- uniting us together to support veterans and first responders with disabilities. We cannot thank YOU enough for your tremendous efforts.”
Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind
D&B has also proudly supported the founding organization of America’s VetDogs, the Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind, for over 20 years. D&B President, Steve Fangmann has served in Executive Positions as Vice President of Planning on the Executive Board, and as a Board member for many years.
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