As a firm rooted in environmental stewardship, D&B has been providing innovative solutions that address the investigation and remediation of contaminated sites throughout the tri-state area for more than 50 years. In that time, D&B has taken on remedial assignments varying in scope and complexity at brownfield sites, former manufactured gas plant (MGP) sites, airports, petroleum spill sites, electric substations, urban construction projects, outdoor shooting ranges, manufacturing plants, semi-conductor facilities, dry cleaners, salvage yards, aerospace operations, and commercial treatment, storage and disposal facilities, amongst many others.
To remain an industry leader and effectively meet the evolving needs of our diverse set of clients, which includes state agencies and a host of municipal and private sector entities, D&B’s remedial practice area continues to evolve along with the policies and regulations of federal, state and local agencies. Our highly trained and experienced staff of environmental engineers and scientists, geologists, hydrogeologists, and certified industrial hygienists work closely with our clients and regulators to develop investigative and remedial compliance strategies that are innovative, cost-effective and create a clear path for re-use of virtually every site.
Practice Areas
D&B’s portfolio of specific remedial assignments, coupled with a broad spectrum of technical expertise, has created opportunities to provide remedial services to varied public and private sector clients throughout the tri-state area. D&B has over 50 years’ experience planning and implementing remedial investigations, feasibility studies and designs for both simple and complex assignments that range from large municipal facilities to small private properties. From sites with petroleum or chlorinated solvent spills to manufactured gas plant (MGP) waste to metals or polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) contamination, our team’s collaborative approach ensures we deliver a remedial strategy that is responsive to regulatory requirements while keeping an eye on the bottom line and our client’s needs.
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Brownfield Investigation and Remediation With a significant portfolio of brownfield projects completed in New York State alone, D&B has long been viewed as a leader in brownfield site investigation and remediation. We have been actively involved in New York’s Brownfield Cleanup Program (BCP) since its inception and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) relied on our expertise to support the preparation of a guidance manual that assists municipalities in securing grants and loans to finance brownfield projects. We continue to remain on the leading-edge of brownfield site management and work closely with our clients to develop brownfield remedial strategies, assist with public participation activities and help municipalities secure grant money. To this day, our engineering/technical support for the overall City of Glen Cove, NY Brownfield Program remains one of D&B’s showcase brownfield assignments, which led to a significant and economically viable waterfront redevelopment project.
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Environmental Services for the Construction Industry As a direct outgrowth of our environmental investigation and remediation services, D&B has been at the forefront of providing environmental services to contractors, construction firms, and developers to advance various construction projects. Given that environmental issues are typically encountered during the redevelopment of urban and industrial sites, D&B’s unique 30-plus year remediation experience working directly for regulators allows our clients to focus on keeping projects on schedule and within budget. D&B delivers the strategies and services necessary to help our clients navigate through the complex web of environmental regulations and assist them with any required interaction and negotiations with regulatory agencies.
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Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) ServicesD&B’s Somerset, NJ Office location, presently offers environmental consulting, environmental engineering, and Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) services throughout New Jersey, catering to both public and private clients. Our focus lies in environmental due diligence, investigation, brownfield redevelopment, and remediation-centric projects within the NJDEP Site Remediation Program (SRP). With a team of over 200 professionals spread across seven (7) offices, D&B is dedicated to supporting its LSRP Services Division and addressing various environmental engineering and both NJDEP administrative and technical requirements for our clientele.
Our expertise in due diligence, contaminated/hazardous waste site investigation, and remediation is underscored by extensive experience and comprehensive knowledge of pertinent regulations including the NJDEP Site Remediation Reform Act (SRRA 2.0), the Brownfield and Contaminated Site Act, the Spill Compensation and Control Act, the New Jersey Underground Storage of Hazardous Substances Act, the New Jersey Water Pollution Control Act, the Brownfield and Contaminated Site Remediation Act, the NJDEP Administrative Requirements for the Remediation of Contaminated Site Rules (ARRCS), the NJDEP Technical Requirements for Site Remediation (Tech Regs), UST and UHOT Tank Rules, and the Green Acres Program, amongst others. View Service Profile
Former Manufactured Gas Plant Sites Manufactured gas plants (MGPs) operated throughout the United States from approximately the 1820s until the mid-1900s. These facilities utilized industrial processes to generate gas from coal for residential, commercial and industrial uses. These processes generated hazardous byproducts and wastes that eventually found their way into the surrounding environment. Our team is thoroughly familiar with the protocols and regulations governing MGP sites and has provided solutions for these sites that encompass remedial investigations, interim remedial measure implementation, remedial design assignments and remedial construction oversight.
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Green Remediation As green design and construction policies and practices are advanced and incorporated into our everyday lives, applying these socially responsible concepts to private and publicly funded remedial programs just makes sense, both from a cost and environmental protection perspective. D&B’s holistic approach includes employing green technologies and concepts to remedial programs that reduce project costs and meet environmental needs efficiently and sustainably, without compromising the integrity of the project.
Outdoor Firing Range Management Services Outdoor shooting ranges can often be in violation of state and federal environmental regulations when not properly managed. As a result, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and certain states have become increasingly concerned with the environmental impacts associated with these sites. We have partnered with nationally renowned range design-build firms to address the investigation, environmental management and remediation of several large outdoor ranges in recent years. For example, D&B has successfully provided investigation and remediation services for the Rodman’s Neck outdoor shooting range complex that serves the New York City Police Department (NYPD).
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Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments Having completed thousands of Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) for both public and private sector entities, we understand the technical and administrative requirements and procedures to successfully complete these projects within budget and in conformance with their typically aggressive real estate transactional schedules. D&B ensures that all ESAs are completed in accordance with their respective American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) guidelines, and that all staff performing this work have the required qualifications based on education, training and experience to assess any given property. As an example, in the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy, D&B was retained by the Governor’s Office of Storm Recovery to prepare well over 700 Phase I ESAs in support of New York’s Buyout/Acquisition Program of residential and commercial properties.
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Site Characterization and Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Studies D&B has over 30 years’ experience planning and implementing both site characterization and remedial investigations and feasibility studies for both simple and complex assignments that range from large municipal facilities to small private properties. From sites with petroleum or chlorinated solvent spills to manufactured gas plant (MGP) waste to metals or polychlorinated biphenyl contamination, our team’s collaborative approach ensures we deliver a remedial strategy that is responsive to regulatory requirements while keeping an eye on the bottom line and our client’s needs.
Remedial Design Many factors must be considered when developing a remedial strategy for a property; among them, the proposed end-use of the property, contaminant pathways, the potential impact to human health and the environment, and both regulatory and community acceptance. Throughout our three decades of providing remedial design and construction services, we have successfully implemented remedial design programs at a broad spectrum of sites that range from in-situ chemical oxidation to groundwater extraction and treatment systems to deep excavations with sheeting. Our team is experienced with all phases of remedial design and construction and remains steadfast in employing the latest best practices and cutting-edge technologies to address all contaminant and site constraint challenges.
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Remedial Construction Inspection Services Unequivocal familiarity with a project’s established design specifications and performance goals is critical to the successful completion of any construction phase service assignments. Our diverse experience with remedial construction management projects allows us to assign fully trained staff who possess the knowledge relevant to each specific project we undertake. This process has been proven to better serve our clients as D&B works with both the owner and selected contractor through each phase of the construction process.
As part of this process, our experienced on-site construction inspectors—working in tandem with a seasoned office-based engineering staff—review contractor submittals, respond to contractor requests for information, meticulously inspect specified materials for both quality and compliance with specifications, scrutinize contractor payment requests, and assure that the project schedule is adhered to per the contract documents. View Service Profile
Remedial System Optimization As regulatory frameworks mature and remedial technologies evolve, remedial systems often become outdated, inefficient, or technologically ill-suited for their original purposes. To help clients stave off the limitations of ineffective systems, a team of D&B remedial professionals can be tasked to identify a wide range of improvements resulting from our proven multi-tiered Remedial System Optimization (RSO) process. Through this RSO process, D&B system experts can evaluate and enhance existing systems to increase effectiveness, efficiency and net environmental benefits by addressing the remedial system’s equipment and performance deficiencies, as well as “big picture” issues like the site’s conceptual operational model and ultimate exit strategy.
Soil Vapor Intrusion and Indoor Air Studies With significant advances in energy efficiency improvements leading to tightly sealed buildings, indoor air quality and the avoidance of pollutants has become increasingly important in both residential and commercial spaces. Our team of engineers, scientists and certified industrial hygienists provide our private- and public-sector clients with soil vapor intrusion studies, air contaminant exposure assessment services and qualitative risk/exposure assessments that identify contaminants of concerns, as well as any remedial actions. D&B cannot only identify if there is a problem, but also design a “fix.” Our remedial design team has planned, designed and inspected numerous sub-slab depressurization systems at commercial buildings and public schools.
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Underground Injection Wells To protect the nation’s underground drinking water supply against the improper disposal of chemicals and wastes, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) oversees an Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program. D&B has been assisting clients in complying with the UIC Program at both federal and state levels since the Program’s inception in 1986. During this time, our team has garnered a wealth of knowledge associated with UIC structures, including completing inventories; developing databases to track and monitor UICs; conducting site assessments; advancing detailed soil and groundwater investigations; developing cost-effective cleanup programs for regulatory agency approval; providing cleanup remediation oversight; and developing closure reports.
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Site Management Plans Once a site has completed a site characterization, remedial investigation/feasibility study, remedial design and remedial construction, it advances to the site management phase of the remedial cycle. Basically, the Site Management Plan outlines the engineering and/or institutional controls in place for the site and institutes a schedule for the overall operation and maintenance of the site. These typically include site maintenance activities; sampling, analysis and reporting; treatment system operation and maintenance; leachate collection facility maintenance; and site-specific reporting. D&B has completed dozens of Site Management Plans for the NYSDEC in its portfolio of Superfund work over the last 30-plus years.
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