No matter the size or type of facility, multimedia environmental compliance requires a proactive team approach. D&B assembles a multidisciplinary team of engineering and technical experts to provide a specialized and tailored compliance experience that assists environmental and facility managers in lowering the risk of noncompliance and associated potential penalties.
We carefully craft all compliance activities to provide the most protection and benefit possible under existing policies. Our technical approach to compliance consists of conducting systematic reviews of permit conditions, operating records, standard operating procedures, and corporate policies; undertaking site inspections and reviews of processes and manufacturing operations; ultimately leading to an audit that provides a systematic determination of the status of compliance with appropriate regulatory requirements.
Our Expertise
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Aboveground/Underground Storage Tank Management Since the 1980s, D&B’s team of environmental professionals has undertaken and successfully completed numerous aboveground and underground tank management assignments, including tank inventory programs, tank compliance assessments, and tank management programs. The experience we’ve accrued over that time includes diesel fuel; number 2, 4 and 6 fuel oil; gasoline; jet fuel; hazardous chemicals; wastewater; hazardous waste and waste oil.
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Accidental Release Prevention Under the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) implemented Accidental Release Prevention, which requires risk management programs be implemented to prevent the accidental releases of toxic and flammable chemicals by facilities. We provide technical and regulatory compliance services to meet these guidelines, including facility inspections, applicability determinations, hazard assessments, risk management and emergency response plans, risk communications, community relations, and training programs.
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Air Quality Management Whether a project involves a 500-acre manufacturing facility with a Title V program or a business with a single-point source, we have provided effective, cost-efficient air quality management and compliance services to state and local governments, industrial organizations, and small businesses. These services include compliance audits and regulatory compliance strategies, permitting, air quality modeling and impact analyses, air sampling and monitoring, control technology evaluation and design, emission reduction credits, accidental release prevention and RCRA air emissions.
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Chemical Inventory/Chemical Security Services The Department of Homeland Security’s Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS) identifies and regulates high-risk chemical facilities to ensure security measures are in place to reduce the associated risks. We support science, technology, healthcare and industrial users of bulk chemicals to comply with these multi-tiered standards by offering technical assistance with initial screening submittals, security vulnerability assessments, site security plans, and alternative security programs.
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Environmental Management System Planning The implementation of an Environmental Management System (EMS) helps organizations reduce environmental impacts and increase operating efficiency. We provide services that identify, monitor, improve and report on compliance status by auditing facility operations and assigning individuals responsible for maintaining compliance. Once in place, consistent external and internal reporting enables the identification of required changes to the EMS due to operating changes or modification of regulatory requirements.
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Hazardous Materials Management Services Knowing the location, assessment, extent and concentration of hazardous materials prior to project initiation eliminates surprises, helps keep projects on schedule and within budget, and limits worker and occupant liabilities. Our staff of trained, licensed and certified professionals provide comprehensive Hazardous Materials Management services to our clients, which can act as a relatively inexpensive “insurance policy” to protect against future claims related to unknown hazards.
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Hazardous Waste Management Expertise with large industrial and small business entities coupled with federal regulatory agency and commercial TSDF experience provides our team with unique insight into the hazardous waste management service area. Our full-service hazardous waste management programs are designed to include services such as facility inspections and audits; corrective action programs; closure plans and post-closure permits; hazardous waste tank management; regulatory interpretations; and training programs.
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Multimedia Environmental Compliance TrainingTo best help our clients comply with the often-overwhelming environmental regulations, we offer customized and user-friendly environmental compliance training programs that utilize available facility-specific information, photographs, company policies, protocols, and standard operating procedures. D&B designs, develops and delivers each training program to meet the specific needs of our clients.
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National/State Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systems Under the Clean Water Act that is enforced by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) prohibits the discharge of pollutants from a point source into waters without a NPDES permit. Many states, like New York and its State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) Permit Program, have also implemented state-specific restrictions that are often broader in scope and more stringent than the NPDES program.
D&B has been at the forefront of NPDES and SPDES compliance and assists both municipal and private clients comply with these regulations at the federal and state levels. This typically includes providing the services necessary to obtain the applicable permits; implement any associated programs; meet the mandated monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting requirements; and ensure that facilities comply with their permit conditions and remain within the required water quality standards.
Petroleum and Chemical Bulk Storage Compliance Improper handling and storage of petroleum and hazardous chemicals can result in spills that threaten the environment and pose health and safety risks. Our highly trained and experienced multidisciplinary team provides design and compliance services for aboveground and underground petroleum and chemical bulk storage tanks in accordance with federal, state, and local regulatory requirements.
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SARA Title III/Community Right-to-Know Compliance Authorized by Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA), the Emergency Planning & Community Right-to-Know Act is designed to help local communities protect public health, safety, and the environment from chemical hazards. We offer technical support to ensure compliance with SARA Title III planning and reporting, ranging from consultation on technical and regulatory matters to full-service toxic chemical audits, threshold determinations and preparation of annual toxic release inventory forms.
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Spill Prevention and Control Planning With oil and chemical spills adversely impacting public health, drinking water, natural resources, and the economy, municipal and industrial facilities must comply with federal, state and local environmental spill prevention control and reporting requirements. We provide clients with spill prevention and control planning services that review process operations, storage capacities and process-specific waste streams to identify applicability for media-specific spill prevention planning documents required by federal and state regulations. When no specific statutory or regulatory requirement is applicable, we work with clients to implement a Best Management Practice (BMP) Plan to develop a “common sense” approach to spill prevention, thus eliminating the potential for releases and associated financial liabilities.
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Used Oil Management A broad range of federal, state, and local regulations impact the management, recycling and reprocessing of used oil. Our consulting services include compliance, recordkeeping and reporting, and design and permitting efforts for used oil management at small, mid-sized and major generators.
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Waste Minimization/Pollution Prevention We assign audit teams with distinct professional experience to identify cost-effective waste reduction opportunities by methodically evaluating process operations and optimizing chemical inventory and management techniques. The audits and resulting waste reduction evaluations culminate in the development of hazardous waste reduction plans that include implementation schedules, cost estimates and an estimated percentage of projected waste reduction through an established design year.
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