Our approach to Construction Management (CM) has been developed from over a half-century of hands-on experience and is characterized by unparalleled quality, integrity and innovation. We offer clients and project owners an array of services that allow us to effectively manage a broad spectrum of projects and positively affect project scopes, schedules and budgets.
We pair our complete suite of CM services with a roster of dedicated and fully-credentialed construction managers, resident engineers, lead inspectors, special inspectors, site safety officers, and various support engineers. We consider the efficiency and sustainability of each project on a case-by-case basis and apply our value engineering principles to provide unique solutions, innovative capabilities and superior work products.
Our Expertise
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Construction Management/Resident EngineeringWith a dedicated and knowledgeable team that consists of Certified Construction Managers, Professional Engineers and Resident Engineers, we leverage our hands-on experience to seamlessly integrate innovative technologies, achieve sustainable and efficient solutions, and offer a high level of confidence for our clients. We apply “lessons learned” to help guide our problem-solving abilities and implement superior planning and best management practices throughout all project phases to provide expeditious resolution of potential issues and keep projects on schedule.
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Construction InspectionTechnical inspection is vital to a project’s success, and our team of fully-trained and credentialed construction inspectors provides owners with the full- or part-time on-site services necessary for proper inspection, management, and administration. Each inspector has the necessary certifications and registrations to ensure projects comply with the technical requirements of plans and specifications, and utilize effective inspection techniques to execute each project safely and efficiently.
Special InspectionsDuring construction, local Departments of Buildings will often require special inspections be performed for an array of structural, mechanical, protective and other installations to assure that the work performed complies with applicable code requirements, safety requirements, and approved plans and specifications. As a Registered Special Inspection Agency, we assist our clients in meeting these code requirements by identifying the project elements that require such inspections and provide certified personnel to perform the necessary inspections.
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Design Services During ConstructionAs part of our fully integrated approach, Design Services During Construction helps clients manage construction contracts to ensure the design is fully implemented during construction. This process typically results in projects meeting anticipated budgetary and scheduling objectives, and includes shop drawing review, constructability analyses, change order preparation and review, approval of manufacturers and materials, cost estimating, and preparation of as-built drawings.
Operation and Maintenance ManualsOur in-house Start-Up and Testing team prepares Operation and Maintenance (O&M) manuals that define requirements and procedures for effective operation, maintenance, decommissioning and demolition of facilities and equipment. Each manual developed is site specific, prepared in advance of start-up and testing for each site, and includes Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for existing and new system operations.
Start-Up and Testing ServicesTo best define start-up and testing activities and ensure maintenance of required facility operations, our dedicated Start-Up and Testing team collaborates with clients to develop a comprehensive plan that includes step-by-step descriptions for the commissioning of the entire facility. Our team then utilizes their familiarity with system operations and SOPs to streamline the commissioning process and confirm the new equipment meets the design intent and criteria.
Claims PreventionWe take a systematic approach to construction claims prevention by encouraging settlements whenever possible. Our goal is to resolve these disputes before they lead to arbitration or litigation procedures, and remain actively involved in projects to mitigate claims and ensuring overall project success.
Critical Path Method SchedulingAdherence to a project’s schedule directly impacts safety, quality, management, budget, and risk. Our team utilizes a Critical Path Method (CPM) scheduling module to provide a detailed and accurate schedule throughout the entire project. This allows us to prepare monthly project reporting on overall project progress, critical activities that could significantly delay project completion, and detailed schedules that encompass tracking of critical project issues and the related cost and schedule metrics.
Health and Safety ComplianceWe recognize that everyone involved shares responsibility for project safety and have established a Corporate Health and Safety Plan with a dedicated team that proactively enforces the plan and identifies unsafe operations and conditions. Our CM team will assign at least one of these professionals to monitor progress, examine the means and methods being employed during construction, and communicate with the client’s safety personnel should there be an emergency or if something is deemed hazardous.
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Construction Administration and CloseoutA successful project is often tied to its design and construction being completed on-time and within budget, but efficient project administration and closeout are equally integral to a project’s budget and schedule. Our inclusive approach to construction administration streamlines responsibilities such as the proper management and review of Requests for Information/Clarification (RFI/RFC), Certificate of Occupancy (CO) negotiating, payment processing and grant follow-up to ensure costs are controlled and the work performed complies with the contract documents. These combined efforts ultimately culminate in a tailored closeout process to deliver high-quality projects that successfully receive the necessary permits and COs and serve our client’s intended purpose.
Project ReportingTo keep engineers, managers and CM program stakeholders aware of a project’s status throughout its lifecycle, we have implemented an innovative Tablet PC Project Reporting Initiative that applies mobile computing to instantly yield comprehensive, user-friendly and uniform inspection reports. These reports, which include pertinent details and photographs in a single transmissible file, increase efficiency, minimize overhead, streamline administrative efforts, and ensure potential problems are identified early and solutions are developed to limit possible adverse impacts.
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