The New York State Section of the American Water Works Association (NYSAWWA) held its annual Tifft Symposium Conference this year in Westchester County, during the week of September 16th. The annual educational symposium was started in 1979 in response to the need for more member education following approval of the Safe Drinking Water Act. This year over 350 water professionals from around the New York State attended the sold-out event.
“In alignment with the mission of NYSAWWA, D&B is committed to providing safe, reliable, affordable and clean water in New York State,” D&B President Steven A. Fangmann commented. “We take pride in playing a role to advance initiatives to meet this mission and to assist in protecting our public’s health and water supply, now and into the future.”
D&B was excited to participate in full force for this incredible conference!
- D&B proudly supported the event as a Gold level sponsor.
- Jennifer Gienau, Chair of the Events Committee, assisted in on-site check in and registration for over 350 attendees.
- Stephen Laun and PJ Connell serve on the Program Committee and were moderators during several sessions.
- PJ Connell serves on the Training Coordinating Committee.
- Arnold Palleschi and Mike Savarese serve on the board of the section as Treasurer and Vice-Chair, respectively.
- Bill Merklin, Phil Sachs, Joe Baier, Daniela Cruz, Shawn Cochran, Anthony Eagan, Frank Merklin and Dwaine Perdomo also attended the conference.
In addition to listening to the informative presentations, D&B participated in the committee meetings that kick-off the conference.
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