LSRP Services for the Morris County DPW Service Garage Center Site
Project scope of work included the implementation of an approved NJDEP Remedial Action Workplan (RAW) and included the installation of vertical and horizontal delineation monitoring wells, 10 rounds of groundwater sampling, professional survey, design and implementation of institutional and engineering controls (i.e. deed notice for historic fill and groundwater CEA for 1,4-dioxane and other VOCs), soil and groundwater remedial action permit (RAP) applications, remedial action via monitored natural attenuation for groundwater, and technical reporting to the NJDEP.
D&B has been retained as the Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) and is responsible for the remedial investigation and remedial action activities throughout the Site. D&B is managing the installation of groundwater delineation monitoring wells, two (2) rounds of delineation confirmation groundwater sampling followed by eight (8) quarterly rounds of groundwater sampling in support of a monitored natural attenuation (MNA) claim. D&B also manages the completion of a metes and bounds survey, monitoring well surveys, and engineering controls survey which supports the implementation of a deed notice and soil RAP at the Site. Following confirmation of groundwater delineation and a decreasing groundwater concentration trend, D&B will prepare a groundwater RAP application for the Site. Following approval of soil and groundwater RAPs, D&B will facilitate the implementation of the required Financial Assurance mechanism which funds the required annual inspections and biennial certification reporting to the NJDEP. D&B is also responsible for all NJDEP correspondence and technical reporting to the NJDEP in addition to issuance of Response Action Outcomes (RAOs) for various areas of concern (AOCs) identified at the Site.
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