Town of Hempstead East Baldwin Road Raising
Due to the effects of recent natural disasters, the Town of Hempstead is eligible to apply for U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Community Development Block Grant–Disaster Recovery funding for long-term recovery and resiliency projects. As part of the Town’s ongoing resiliency efforts, D&B provided engineering design, permitting and construction administration services for the road raising and street-end bulkheads reconstruction to protect the residents, private properties, and public infrastructure from the flooding of the nearby Milburn Creek and Baldwin Bay.
The project will improve the stormwater drainage system and raise the elevations of the roads to a minimum gutter elevation sufficient to meet FEMA’s 10-year still-water level. To achieve the Town’s objectives, D&B’s design includes raising streets, replacing concrete curbs and sidewalks, improving the stormwater drainage system, installing check valves at outfalls, and reconstructing street-end bulkheads. Storm drain inlets will also be installed at property frontages to improve conditions on residential properties fronting on the subject roads.
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