WCDPWT Yonkers Joint Wastewater Treatment Plant Cellular Bulkhead Rehabilitation
The 90 MGD Yonkers Joint Wastewater Treatment Plant, located on the east side of the Hudson River, is protected by a cellular bulkhead on the north and west sides of the site. Improvements to the 41-year old structure had been previously performed for a portion of the bulkhead. These improvements included installing a protective barrier coating on the exterior of the cells from below the concrete seawall to the low tide area and installation of a “belly-band” repair system utilizing a tremie concrete banding; epoxy coated steel beams and a galvanized rod tie back system to H-piles driven on the landward side, (“dead-man” system).
Under a three-phase project over a six-year period, D&B was retained to provide engineering design and construction management services for the rehabilitation of the existing bulkhead system’s deteriorated structural elements to ultimately prolong the lifespan of the bulkhead system. Improvements similarly include localized repairs, a concrete “dead-man” system, installation of a “belly-band” repair system utilizing a tremie concrete banding, a coating system, and rip rap restoration.
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